I am Martijn Jansen, industrial designer of innovative interactive concepts for the future. I have a general interest in designing for games, media and sports. It is not technology that drives me, but design for people is my main motivation. I always aim to design concepts that somehow contribute to social interaction between people and the enjoyment of life.

I have a strong focus on designing products that bridge the physical and the digital world. It is no longer desirable to develop these two apart from each other. Within this development, my strength as a designer lies in the conceptual phase. I am able to empathize with different kinds of users and create my own genuine vision from the gathered information. This vision forms the base for the generation and visualisation of concepts that fit with the users’ desires.

Another personal strength is my ability to create experience prototypes in a relative short time. These prototypes communicate the experience of the designed concepts to users and stakeholders and evaluate them in an early stage of a project.

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